Sunday, August 23, 2009


So I guess we're officially Badgers.

 We don't really follow sports. I don't think I am in danger of ever becoming a football widow. But, since we now live in the Madison area, we thought we should take an interest. 

Sunday was family fun day at the stadium. It was a gorgeous day for such an event. All of the football players were on the field to sign autographs and have pictures taken. 

Our nanny, Serah, was there. Isn't she lovely? She was only supposed to work for us until April, but we just couldn't bear to let her go. She watches the girls about once a week now. If it weren't so expensive and unethical, I'd look into cloning her.

She just recently got engaged to this sweet guy, who is just as clone-worthy:

He broke the 'one autograph' rule for us. Thanks #21- you're the best!

 Poor little flower wasn't sure what to think. She's so quiet and unsure sometimes. It didn't help that she missed her nap. 

We all had a fun time:

* * *

Big news!

Look who's potty trained!

Perfect timing on her part since she'll be moving into a classroom with older kids in the fall. She's so proud of herself, but not nearly as proud as we are.



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