Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hello Love

All good things today. 

Flowerbud opened her eyes and saw that Mommy, Daddy, and Little Flower were there to see her:

Her arterial line came out so we are finally able to hold her.
 What pure joy! And she smelled so sweet:

The little flower came to the NICU with us for the first time. She did very well considering she is two. She was mildly interested in her new baby sister. She seemed okay with me holding Flowerbud, but when it came to Chris she was clearly uncomfortable. It was sad to see. We'll have to remember to be sensitive to our first baby's needs during this time. She's had to adapt to so much in the past few months.  

We all went out to dinner after our visit. It's been months since the three of us have gone anywhere together. We tried a new place, I had a coffee (it's been awhile), we all shared dessert. The little flower was giddy. So fun!:

Must sleep now! My body knows this, but my mind? Not so much...


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear all is well. I know God will take care of Chloe and bring her home soon. Great on going out to eat, just you guys. Those are the best, most relaxing times. You deserve to be waited on and enjoy Poppy. Love you Guys.


Stephanie said...

she is beautiful. they both are. :) I'm so glad you can hold her now.

Anonymous said...

Little Flower looks so cute visiting her little sister. She reminds me of Haley in that picture.

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said... glad you all had a chance to visit flowerbud as a family AND have a wonderful family outing!

Sending you all our prayers!

Hugs & Blessings!

PS: Those hats will be mailed out this week, I wanted to add a tiny blanket & it's almost finished!