Saturday, June 28, 2008
Quick Update
I'm going crazy without internet access. So much so that I came to the library first thing today to get a card and hop on the computer. It's amazing how disconnected from everything I feel without it- I'm hoping we'll have ours up and running by Tuesday. Until then, take care and GO BADGERS!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
It's not's us.
As this chapter in our life comes to a close, I want to take the time to acknowledge all of the good things about you. The things I will always hold dear. It won't take long. Kidding. We moved here from Ohio as a newly engaged couple almost exactly five years ago. While I could NEVER live here permanently (with the exception of Sausalito, if money were no object), I am grateful for the experience.
You provided us, a newly married couple, with endless options. Because you are so far away from our families, we were somewhat isolated and forced to depend on each other. This formed a bond that couldn't have been possible without you. You also, with the help of my husband, gave us our little flower-your state flower. For this reason alone, you will always have a special place in my heart.
I truly love that you are so progressive and I hope that the rest of the nation follows your lead. Your natural beauty can't be beat. I was lucky enough to drive down the coast from around Palo Alto to Los Angeles and it was truly breathtaking. I can't explain how much I'm going to miss In-N-Out. Where else can I get a grilled cheese "animal style"? And See's candies. And...well...I think that's everything.
We'll see you again someday when we bring the little flower to see her birth state. Thanks for the memories and take care of yourself...
Always, Holly
Friday, June 20, 2008
Typing in the prone position isn't at all comfortable.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Vacation pictures.
I couldn't think of a clever title, you I always do. These are some photos from our vacation last week:
This is my mom with the little flower on our first day. We flew into Ft. Lauderdale (on Jetblue, I avoid any other airline at all costs- LOVE Jetblue), my aunt lives there and we spent the first few days at her home. As you can see it is a lovely home, with at least one very comfortable bed I might add. As I mentioned before, the little one was quite clingy all week so she rarely let anyone else hold her. I'm glad I was able to capture this moment. After the cuddle session we hit the pool:
Unfortunately, La-La's dog Brandy wasn't feeling very well during our visit. She got into the pool with us for a little bit. The little one had fun with that. Later that night we had a yummy supper:
The little one fit perfectly into this little rocking chair. I'm going to be on the lookout for one of these after we move (I hate using my flash but I wanted to take these pictures, what else could I do?):

We hit the pool again:

We took nightly walks (again, the flash thing):

She's loves learning the parts of her body. Notice the look on her face as I point out her belly button (I know I'm a little high):

I threw this one in just because I like it. I was going to mess around with the saturation but I think it's perfect just the way it is:

Although we missed daddy, this trip did us a world of good. We were able to see family and friends I hadn't seen in years. My girl and I had a wonderful time...
Can't you tell by the look on her face? If that's not enthusiasm, I don't know what is!
Monday, June 16, 2008
And we're back!
I took a lot of pictures but as I sort through them, I'm regretting that I didn't take more. I wish I had taken more of my relatives with the little flower. She was a little off the whole week, I think due to both jet-lag and the new environments. She was more clingy (or is it clingier- I'm tired so bear with me) than usual. This made it somewhat difficult to just sit back and take pictures. Plus, I found myself wanting to just visit and not be the annoying relative with a camera. I think another trip is in order, possibly this winter. I'm thinking January or February when the ground in Wisconsin is frozen and cabin fever is rampant.
I'm off to visit all of my blog peeps while I do a staggering amount of laundry...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We're on Holiday!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Photoshop Progress
In this next picture, I applied what's called an "action". From what I understand, it's a set of edits that are sort of saved together. This is one of the Pioneer Woman actions (you can download them from her site) called "Lovely and Ethereal", it gives the photo a soft and dreamy feel:
Can you see the difference? My favorite little trick that I've learned so far is the "quick edge burn". I use it on almost everything, particularly portraits. It really makes the subject pop:

Now if I could only figure out how to make myself look like Angelina Jolie. I wonder if there's an action for that...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Soup for the Soul
And if you're feeling adventurous go on over to Wine on the Keyboard. Voting is under way in her photo of the month contest- May's theme was Motherhood. You just might see a picture you recognize. I told you I needed a hobby!