So I mentioned Poppy started ballet classes. It's taken some time but she's feeling more comfortable. Much like her father and me, she needs to be eased into new social situations. She spent most of the first class sitting in one spot watching or just doing her own thing. She finally decided it might be fun to join in:
Little girls in ballet attire are quite possibly THE cutest thing ever:
Poppy is the one in the middle (with perfect form- wink wink):
Remind me to tell you the story of Talia's first ballet class. It's a horrible story that involves me almost slapping the teacher across the face for the way she treated my kid.
Poppy in her leotard, trying so hard to copy the teacher is possibly the sweetest thing I have ever seen. She is so little.
I heard two names the other day and I thought of you.
There was a gal on Bonnie and her name was Busy Phillips (I think that's her last name. she is on that Cougar show) Any way....she was Elizabeth but that name morphed into Busy and it really fit her....and she named her daughter....Birdy.
(After Lady Bird Johnson.)
And oddly enough....I like it!
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