My sweet little flower has become quite a handful. To the outside observer a "brat". The thing is, she's not a brat. I would know, I can't stand bratty kids. Uh-Oh.
She's always been very easy. I've taken her practically everywhere with me since she was about 4 months old (prior to that I was afraid if I took her out in public she would die of RSV). Looking back, I think part of what made it so easy the first year was that I was breastfeeding. If we were out and she started to fuss, I could find the nearest private area- my favorite was the lounge at Nordstrom- and breastfeed her until she fell asleep.
After she stopped breastfeeding, I was able to satisfy her with a cup. As long as she had a sippy cup, we were good. When the novelty of the sippy cup went away, I moved on to bigger and better things like snacks. And up until...oh...YESTERDAY those bought me a good ten minutes or so.
We recently switched cell phone companies and got new phones. My old cell phone was missing most of the numbers on the keypad because I made the mistake of letting the little one play with it once (to buy some time to finish doing something important I'm sure)- and that was the beginning of the end for that phone. We'll recycle my husband's old phone, but since mine has seen better days, I use it as a last resort just-need-a-few-more-minutes-to finish-doing-whatever-it-is-I'm-doing toy. It still has that kind of power, missing buttons and all. It's only a matter of time though.
My hubby thinks it makes the situation worse if I give into her fussing and take her out of her stroller*, for instance. But, the only alternative is to leave her strapped into her stroller, crying, as I
calmly concentrate on whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing. Yeah, right. His suggestion is to simply leave the store (or wherever we are) if she starts to fuss, wait until she calms down, and then try again. In theory-sounds great. In reality-not so much. I think if she were 2 1/2 to 3 that might work. But she's 20 months. She basically wants to walk/run wherever she wants, whenever she wants, especially in stores.
We went to a friend's house last weekend for dinner and it was pretty much a disaster. She wanted to run around and touch plasma televisions and things of that sort. We had to leave shortly after the meal. We cringed together all the way home realizing, we're
that couple. With
that kid.
The point of this rambling post is for me to find out- how do/did you do it? Does this phase go away? Quickly? Please? I love that she is developing normally, that she is curious and wants to explore the world around her. I really am thankful for this every day, every moment. I do and will continue to remind myself of this. It's just that I'm having a hard time getting anything done around here!
*I recently purchased an ERGO carrier (which I love and would highly recommend for a child of her size) thinking she would prefer being close to me over sitting in the stroller, however, my sweet little flower will have none of it...I will definitely try and utilize it more if/when the next little one comes along...